Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sumatran Tiger

The problem of the Sumatran Tiger is that, like other tiger species, they are being poached for their fur and teeth. Over 50 tigers have been poached each year between 1998 and 2004, and there is high value in their canine teeth, claws, and fur. The Sumatran Tiger isn’t the only tiger going extinct, all tiger species are on their way if not already extinct. Even without poaching, their habitats are shrinking due to illegal logging. Despite tough fines for poaching or harming the tiger, people still risk the danger because of the high value of them. The only way to solve this problem is increased enforcement of the laws, and more people out their enforcing them. The only thing stopping us from saving the tiger species is the number of people willing to risk punishment for poaching them. My opinion is that we need to make an example of some poachers to show that the laws will be enforced. That way people will be more reluctant when they see what will happen to them.


  1. These poachers obviously don’t care about the laws and are willing to risk it to kill the tigers. In my opinion we should have increased security in areas where the tigers are, and make sure if we catch poachers to make sure their punishment is severe.

  2. This is awful. Poachers should be severely punished for their actions. I agree with both. There should be increased security around the tiger's habitat to protect them.

  3. This should be illegal. Killing animals like this is a terrible thing to do. I think the punishment for this should be more brutal and maybe it will stop this or at least minimize it.

  4. I agree with caleb that this is a huge issue. Its not fair to the tigers that were just pushing them out, what if your race or my faces was being taken out, would it be more of a big deal? i agree with evan's comment on how we should approach this problem. the poachers arent going to care about laws like he said because they are already breaking them in the first place, so we should make more secure tiger areas too high for humans to get in, and close it off so poachers cannot get in there.
