Sunday, October 14, 2012

For Some Drivers, an Electric Motorcycle Could Be the Best of Both Worlds.

This article talks about how changing motorcycles around to help the enviroment just by making it be an electric one. Motorcylist could love this idea because they would be saving money on gas and still doing the thing they love which is riding bikes, it's a win, win situation. The only problem about these electric motorcycles is the price range that it would fall under. If we could find ways to make these machines cheaper then it would be bought more and we'd have a better alternative on the roads. If we have a success on our hands with the motorcyles then cars will start to become electric ones and we'll have an option that makes many people happy.


  1. I would totally agree, less pollution and yet still enjoying the roadtrips with pals or Sunday afternoons in town. But are this motorcycles gonna be as great looking as the American choppers, or as sporty looking as the ones out now?

  2. This is a really good idea. I like the fact that would would be helping the environmant and all and saving money on gas. And the thought of having electric cars come about too. But if you were to take a long trip youd have to stop and charge it to get it to go. Which would mean youd have to pay for the the electricity that you use. So its a win win situation, but then again its a lose lose situation also.

  3. That sounds like a great idea, if we can get this going with motorcycles them it will eventually spread to the car. That would fix a ton of problems, such as pollution and having to pay for gas. It is more efficient for the environment just by making this change to motorcycles.
