Sunday, October 14, 2012

U.S. Increases Estimate for the Soybean Crop

Despite all the talk about a drought the American government have been shocked with the outcome of soybean growth. Since soybeans have grown animals now have something that they can eat and if we have more animals then prices at our neighborhood grocery stores will be lower (for meat and grain). Before finding out the drought wasn't as big this year they raised prices on grain and meat. Estimates on soybean growth have risen since the products we have received  "Farmers have harvested nearly 60 percent of the soybean crop, according to the weekly crop progress report from the department." It's obvious that the weather climate happens to be a huge barrier on growth for all sorts of plants and there isn't many solutions to controling the weather so we just need to figure out a way to decrease global warming and maybe then we can have a better production of grains.


  1. The problem with droughts really does need to quit, because i like to eat and im not trying to like without food. But there really isnt anything anyone can do about the weather. I dont think there will ever be a solution to decrease global warming, so its pretty much an as is issuse. You just gotta deal with it.

  2. The government should not have raised the prices for meat and grains before the drought even happened. Just because it happened last year, you can not just assume it will happen again and raise prices. I agree that there most likely will not be any solutions for global warming.
