Tuesday, May 3, 2011

College Becoming Tobacco-Free

In the effort to improve and protect the health of students and faculty, Georgia Northwestern Technical College is becoming a tobacco free campus beginning August 1, 2011. Smoking and all tobacco related products will not be allowed on campus, parking lots, sidewalks and more. The college is hoping that this effort will persuade other small college campuses to do the same as well as gain support within the community to guarantee success. The idea of this is great but it is something that should have been done a long time ago. The effort is great but I don't understand why it wasn't put into the works earlier. Many people will benefit from this and it will hopefully become a trend among colleges that dont already have policies like this in effect.


  1. I think this is a wonderful idea. Seeing that the school is a technical college, it kind of comes as a surprise. At a technical colleges, there are a wide spread of ages because more adults go there than regular universities or colleges. So I just don't know how the 30 year old who has been smoking since he was 15 is going to react to this. But I think its smart. It is a public place and I wouldn't want to be walking behind someone smoking or spitting.

  2. I think that pretty soon you will see this thing showing up all over the place. I think in some counties it is already illegal to smoke in restaurants so i think that tobacco products should be ban in all school grounds and public restaurants.

  3. I'm not too sure about this one. Smoke free in college? When 99% of the students are over the age of 18 and can smoke? I can agree with smokeless areas but the whole college being smoke free is going to be tough to accomplish.

  4. I think this is a good idea in theory, but in reality it wont work. Almost all of the sudents in college are over 18 and can do what they would like, so if colleges started to tell them they cant smoke they would retaliate. Students arent going to like to this, and i dont think it will work.

  5. I think this is a good day, but will people follow it?! I do see more colleges taking up this policy but I dont see students following this! This being a techinical college more adults are enrolled their which means there are many people over the age of 18, which mean they can smoke or use tobacco products. I think this is a good idea, but I don't think it's going to work!

  6. I think this is a good idea. I do not believe it will be 100% effective but it will most definitely cut down on some of the smoking on school campuses. Smoking is wrong because you are not only harming yourself, you are also putting others around you in harm. I think this college should have props for coming up with this new law at their college.

  7. I was seriously debating going to Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina next year and they are smoke free. I really like that idea, not only does it keep people from smoking at the school it will decrease sales for cigarettes and hopefully one day ruin the industry.

  8. A smoke free college campus is a great idea. It seems to be a win win situation because there would be much less trash and students would be practicing a healthier lifestyle. I think more schools should adopt this tobacco free policy to better the campus as a whole.

  9. It's a good idea...but to ban it off of campus completely? Yes, the health of students could be so much better when this happens, but what about chain smokers? What if someone's goal was to get into this one college...but they can't stop smoking? Yes, if you really wanted to go to this college, you would try to...but, nicotine is addicting.

  10. I think that this idea needs to be spread to the nation in general and tobacco should stop being sold because it honestly does no good.

  11. I like the idea, but I don't think it will be too effective. I don't really enjoy being around people when they smoke because it smells bad and it's harmful, however, I know a lot of people smoke and will not like this and continue to do so anyway.
