Thursday, May 5, 2011

Green kids toys?

When was the last time you bought a toy? How was it packaged? If it was like most toys, it was tied with a million plastic twist ties to a few sheets of cardboard, wrapped with colored cardboard. Billions of toys are bought every year, and almost all that waste gets thrown into the trash, where it will rot in a landfill for years. This article encourages people to buy "green" toys, used toys, or even make your own toys! When I was little, I loved playing with blocks, and blocks are literally one of the easiest things to make. Think about that the next time you need a present for a young relative.


  1. It is crazy to think about how much trash we produce just in the packaging of other items. I really think we should take this idea of making toys and reform the ways we package products. Whether it's the material used or the quality of the packaging, it is worth looking into in order to save our planet.

  2. I agree. We produce a lot of trash in manufacturing, all of which is not only harmful to the environment but a waste of money to the company as well. So if it is costing so much money to use all of this packaging, why isn't there a larger focus on a way to package products using the least amount of materials possible? That would be a quick way to decrease unnecessary costs and increase profit.

  3. The sad thing is almost all the wrapping and packaging to products can be recycled and we don't recycle it part for the reason that we keep producing it. If we recycled all the packaging every year we could stop producing plastic in general or lower it down cutting back on greenhouse gases and pollution.

  4. I know that when I was little and I got a Barbie for my birthday or something like that, I absolutely HATED having to undo the millions of twisty-ties on the package. And then there were a couple of plastic strips sewn into her head and onto the cardboard packaging. I never really thought of how much of those are thrown away every day, so “green” toys would be an excellent idea.

  5. I agree with Kim, the twisty-ties were such a hastle and I really didn't care whether or not my Barbie was standing straight up, I just couldn't wait to play with my new toys. There are so many things in the packaging of toys that could be recycled, though not really necessary in the first place. Green toys are an excellent idea and I think that there should be less unnecessary packaging used on other toys as well.

  6. Packaging is such a hassle and really unneccesary. You don't need to wrap it up in a million layers of plastic.

  7. This article is so cool!! It makes me think about when I was young. I definitely did not care about recycling, once I opened a present and took it out of its packaging I threw it away and didn't care for that box or plastic again. And like Kim said no kid cares about the box so why bother boxing toys? I wanna know the point? It really is unneceesary. The idea of going green with toys is genius! I really wanna grow out of the bad habit of not recycling and not caring or thinking about what is going on around me. I think if we all did that, for example with the unneccesary packing we would be in WAY better shape for the future.

  8. Its crazy to think about how much we actually waste. When your little you don't realize what you do has an impact on the rest of the world. I remember all the match box cartons that I would throw away. They contain both plastic and paper and that is very harmful to our environment. Is it really necessary to do all of that to package one car? If we all would take a step back and took at what is really being used and what is just thrown in the trash we could all find a way to minimize the trash we create by cutting down on over packaging.
