Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Minimulist Footwear

Running barefoot, or wearing "minimulist shoes," is becoming more and more popular. There are many health benefits and they are becoming the new trend. Vibram Fivefingers sold 2.5 million pairs in 2011, with a sales target of 4 million in 2011. Such large sales are making people wonder if these shoes are greener then a regular pair of running shoes. The "Green" thing about these is that they weigh about half as much as the average pair, which saves on shipping and packaging. There is less glue and less material to waste.

I think these shoes are an amazing inovation. I have a pair and they make running easier and funner. Also, if you read the full article you will understand how minimulist footwear is actually easier on your body then regular shoes. Afterall, we are all born without shoes. Shoes were first worn as fashion accesories and as a sign of wealth, until doctors said it was unsanitary to go barefoot. Tribes and cultures go barefoot everyday all over the world. This could light the way to a healthier and more active nation.


  1. Minimulist shoes are pretty sweet. Not only are they in style and very popular, but they help the enviorment by using less materials to create them. I don't have any of these shoes but i would definitely buy some. I think this time next year, everyone will be wearing these things.

  2. I have seen these for a while now and they really are starting to get very popular. I hear they do offer better grip and things like that, which are necessary to hiking and kayaking and running and things like that. I don't know if I would wear any but they are super cool.

  3. I really think these shoes look extreamly weird but I do understand that they are really good for you. Wearing them running is so much better for you all over. It's really like running barefoot on the beach all the time. Hopefully I will get used to how they look so that I will get a pair and help save my knees!

  4. My older brother has a pair, and he uses them when he goes rock climbing. He says that they give him grip, but I probably won't ever buy a pair.

  5. I agree with Kelsey. Personally I think they look kind of strange but I have heard they are much better for you to workout in than regular running shoes. I took a new class at my gym about a week ago and the instructors were both wearing these shoes.

  6. They have an odd look to them, but they do seem much better for a person. It looks like it would be more of a natural feel, and it probably wouldn't weigh a person down as much when they are active.

  7. When these shoes came out I was in shock, that you could rock climb, run, swim nearly do about anything in them! I dont think i would ever own a pair but everyone i talk to that has a pair absolutley love them!

  8. Although these might not look the prettiest, I am all for stuff that helps out with the environment. I've been thinking about getting a pair of these shoes and now, I might just to do so. Hey, it might even help me run faster!

  9. These shoes are awesome. I don't have a pair, but I have shoes with Vibram soles, and I believe eveything you said about how durable they are. It's great that they are not only good for us, but good for the environment.

  10. I don't have a pair of these shoes and I find them weird looking, but I may eventually end up caving in and buying a pair to help prevent any further orthopedic injuries from running and exercise. I think it's cool how they have such a positive impact on humans as well as conserving the earth's resources.
