Thursday, May 5, 2011

World Wildlife Federation turns 50!

This year, the WWF, otherwise known as "That panda wrestling organization", turns 50. To celebrate, they held an enviro-conference, and discussed top issues. Over their 50 years, the WWF has collected millions of dollars to go toward advances in environmental science, and conserving our planet. They have also raised a lot of support for endangered animals, such as their mascot, the panda bear. I think that if people would listen to organizations like the WWF, our planet would be a lot more sustainable.


  1. I wish that we could make organizations like this even more useful by using all the money to donations on directly impactable things like helping out weak commmunities around the world.But congratulations to them.

  2. I think that it is amazing that an organization such as this has been around for as long as it has. That is truly an exciting feat and I hope that other organizations follow in its path.

  3. THat's awesome that is has been around so long. I hope they take huge strides to improve our environment.
