Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dust Bowl 2?!

While tornadoes and floods have raged the Midwest, a major drought is taking over the Western edge of Oklahoma, Boise City. This drought is even worst than the Dust Bowl. The City has gone 222 consecutive days without seeing more than a quarter inch of rainfall in a single day. The community is drying up, and people are seeing no reason to stay. In the last decade Boise City has lost about 16 percent of their population. Most people have to shop at the local Wal-Mart 60 miles away. The drought plays a major role in the image of the town and it is hurting the economy! The drought has already damaged all of the crops for this year, and the farmers are having to sell off their cattle because it is way to expensive to keep them, when they don't even have the basic needs of food or water. When a community is so dependent on on agriculture, the effects of the drought ripple through out the community! Boise city is on the verge of extenction.. the only thing that will save them will be WATER!


  1. This is a horrible situation. These people annd the city need some water, bad! We don't want another dust bowl happening again, and we surely don't want our economy getting any worse than it is today. Something has to be done with this situation and somebody needs to help these people out.

  2. This is terrible. The government should step up and give these people aid before it it to late to save this town. They need water and we should help them get it. They aren't asking for alot and this community can still survive if they are helped.

  3. This needs to change. We need to try and prevent natural dust bowl's and droughts from happening in the future. This may be hard to do but we need to come up with technology that can get us water from all types of resources so we always have what we need. No shortages should go on.
