Friday, May 6, 2011

New Jersey Environment Budgeting Issues

During a state budgeting hearing yesterday, the New Jersey governor Chris Christie, will try to win the right to use money that has been set aside to improve the quality of the environment, to instead widen roads and complete other general state operations. By doing so, the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility claim that this will then remove New Jersey from 10-State Northeastern Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative. If the governor gets his way, $7 million will be deducted from the Global Warming project to instead fund the widening of the New Jersey Turnpike. In addition, $20 million will be taken from a fund designated to help support recycling instead disposing of trash in landfills on top of the $7 million taken from the program last year. Not only is he facing budgeting problems, but he is not making the process for stricter drinking standards any faster by stripping government agencies of their power and then appointing administrative judges in charge. I hope that Christie does not get his wish for all of the money, according to other PEER members, Christie made promises to help the environment and so far has done nothing but take away money that could solve some of the earth's problems. I think that the governor is selfish and the people should find some way to sabatoge his plans because of his ignorance and disregard for the place he resides.

1 comment:

  1. This is stupid. The environment is way more important than a turnpike
