Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rising Sea Levels

In 2007 the projected jump of sea levels was 7 to 23 inches by 2100. As of now the expected rise is projected to be between 35 and 63 inches by 2100. The Arctic is melting faster than expected and this report shatters the predictions made just four years ago by the U.N. climate change panel. This drastic rise would add to threats to coasts from Bangladesh to Florida, low-lying Pacific islands, and cities from London to Shanghai. Arctic temperatures are at their highest since measurements began in 1880. The loss of ice from Arctic glaciers, ice caps, and the Greenland ice sheet will make a substantial contribution to the global sea level rise. They have already contributed over 40% of the global sea level rise of around 3mm per year observed between 2003 and 2008. The United Nations talks on a global pact to combat climate change but says national promises to limit greenhouse gas emissions are insufficient to avoid dangerous changes. "The increase in annual average temperature since 1980 has been twice as high over the Arctic as it has been over the rest of the world," said the report. The Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice free in summers within 30-40 years from now as a result.
Whether you believe in global warming or not this is still an issue that needs to be addressed. Sea levels are rising, which leaves less usable land, and as of now we still do not have a solution to this problem.


  1. I feel that something needs to be done about this, but right now, there isn't much that we can do. The rise in sea levels could eventually put cities under water, and displace thousands of people. Hopefully temperatures will eventually stop rising, and the ice will stop melting. But I highly doubt this will happen.

  2. This is a huge problem and it needs to be fixed somehow. If seas continue to rise, then cities will be under water and will kill many people. I feel like people are over looking this problem and trying to ignore it. People dont realize what a big deal this is.

  3. This is a big problem. Although it hasn't happened yet, big cities could be under water. People don't need to ignore this problem just because they don't believe in global warming. Fact or fake: this is actually happening. And instead of people arguing about it, we should o something about it.

  4. Pretty Scary. We as people should stop emitting greenhouse gases with the things we do. We need to start living how we did before the industrial revolution almost to solve this problem for a while.
