Thursday, May 5, 2011

German Scientists develop thought controlled car

German Scientists recently developed a car that is controlled by your thoughts. The driver wears a cap that reads brainwaves and then trasmits them to a cube and converts that data into a command for the car to do. This could be a very safe or very dangerous way to travel in the future if the driver uses his subconscious. The car needs direct thought though, so if the driver takes his time to think of what to do then the car will not do it right away. Or if they are not paying attention then they could end up in a bad situation. It's always interseting to see what the future holds for us...


  1. This is really interesting. I wonder if it actually works. However, I dont think it would be a good idea because drivers get distracted so easily.

  2. I think this would be a very bad idea. Even when driving people have a tendency to get distracted easily and just let their minds wander. What if the driver is lost and doesn't know which way to go? What will the car do then?

  3. Although this is a really cool idea and every science-fiction nerd’s dream, I honestly do not think that this is would really work to the extent that they are hoping it will. Also, you can’t just control your thoughts, so if it does happen to work and you’re driving and get side-tracked, thinking about something else, you could miss your turn and crash or crash too late.
