Did you know that if you have a cat you are taking care of an animal that is slowly ruining our enviroment? Hate to ruin that for you but yes cats have already killed off 9 bird species in Australia! They are also impacting 33 other birds that are now endangered species. Over 100 birds can be killed by one cat in a single week! Do you really want to be the person that has a silent murderer in your house? Think about it. The birds need saved!!! If we can't remove cats what should we do? One plan is to keep them indoors but thats not fair to the animal.My opion is that if you own a cat it shouldn't be outside often enough to kill birds whenever they want. Feed your cats and this won't happen.
I always knew cats weren't any good. Save a bird, keep a cat inside!
ReplyDeleteCats are the next thing to the devil
ReplyDeleteTo believe something like this is to believe water isn't wet. Its true that cats kill birds and a lot of birds but humans by far kill more than cats do. Those 9 species of birds that supposedly went extinct were 100% due to mankind's involvement. And those 33 other species are also being wiped out by mankind. Mankind is just using a birds natural predator as a scape goat for our mistakes. Cats have been around forever and if they were really the cause then there would be no birds left at all. Don't blame the cats when the real cause is all of us.....