Sunday, January 6, 2013

African Rhino Poaching Crisis

As technology has advanced, so have the weapons that have been used in killing wild African Rhino’s.  Large scale rifles, helicopters, have been used along with trained professionals such as vets and pilots.  Southern Africa has the biggest issue with it and as time progresses more and more places heading north have been sites of killings.  There is a very sophisticated market for Rhino and the Horn of the Rhino is what officials say is the main reason why they’re killed.  It is in high demand and worth a lot of money.  The poaching we see today is called syndicated poaching.  It’s not just locally based but also spread to countries like Vietnam and Thailand where criminal gangs have come together to drive the black market through connections.  The trading of the horns is worth so much that it is even being equalized with that of prostitution from other black market groups.  So this issue has led up to being very serious.  The danger level in facing the poachers is very high.  You’d be facing groups that have some of the highest powered weapons and have no mercy.  They have night vision scopes and will kill anybody trying to stop what they have going for them.  All they care about is getting the task done and gaining the money.  Men are being trained like soldiers to go on these missions for hunting the Rhinos so the challenges for us to stop them are very high.  WWF is a company who has done and will keep doing all they can in stopping poaching of all animals from happening.  They have set out trackers and used weapons in the times needed.  Solutions need to be made and efforts against this brutal trial on the road to another species going extinct need to stop.  The countries in Southern Africa need to find even more ways because the poaching level has grown in the last six months.  They need more restrictions and security parameters to go into effect.  The barriers are the poaching groups with their amount of high powered weapons.

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