Sunday, January 6, 2013

Waterfall-Climbing Fish Use Same Mechanism to Climb Waterfalls and Eat Algae

Isn't incredible, did you ever think that fish could swim up a waterfall? Its incredible how many diverse creatures we have on this planet. It is just fascinating that this extreme behavior of these fish, climbing waterfalls with their mouth, might have been coopted through evolution from a more basic behavior like feeding. These fish use the same muscles to climb up the waterfall as to feed themselves. The Nopili a rock climbing goby is one of the known fishes to move up waterfalls. some such as 100 meters just by using its jaw muscles.This fish has uniquely adapted to a different lifestyle than other fishes.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a fish that climes waterfall with their mouth? Too bad people can’t do that. It is amazing how many different creatures there are, and how many we have yet to discover.
