Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Edwardsport Power Plant Raises Questions

On Thursday, November 29, 2012, environmental groups in Indiana got together to fight for the Duke Energy customer’s money. Due to the construction of the new Edwardsport power plant, Duke Energy customers are having to pay at 14% rate, to help pay for the overruns that were not justified by Duke Energy. This groups want a settlement for the customers. They want to protect the customers from increases. They want Duke energy to keep rates as the they are,  not to add 9% rate to the already 5% that state regulators agreed on.
            Possible solutions are for Duke Energy to agree not to raise the rate for ratepayers. And to just keep this as they are. They can the money need from another source. They receive federal, state, and local credits, why need more? Another is to win the settlement and raise the rates.
            In my opinion, Duke Energy should not raise the rates. People already have to many things to worry about. We are in the middle of a economic crisis and raising the rates would be terrible for some people in Indiana that live paycheck to paycheck.


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