Monday, January 7, 2013

Future Sea Level Rise from Melting Ice Sheets May Be Substantially Greater Than IPCC Estimates

A study on the melting rates of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica has led the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change to believe that sea ice is melting faster then what was predicted. The issue at hand is that this obscures previous estimates on rising sea levels and is causing uncertainty to predict the increase in sea levels. A more up-to-date research expedition with technology that stresses accuracy would be the only sensible solution given that catastrophe would most certainly take its toll on water bordering civilizations all over the world. The problem is, however, that the ice sheets might be melting at a right in which we couldn't calculate in time, or that our information gathered could be wrong once again if it was now. My opinion is that science teams should look into this study because 70% of humans live near water and danger is closing in on this majority of humanity at an alarming rate.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, rising sea levels is a big problem. Rising sea levels would not only affect the humans, but could also ruin many environments. Marshes, beaches, and mangroves could be destroyed! This is a big problem that scientist really need to look into.
