Sunday, January 6, 2013

Species Extinction

A problem faced in the world today is species extinction. Some species near extinction are certain types of fish, monkeys and rhinoceros'. If any species go extinct, the whole way of life is thrown off. This is because other species rely on the extinct ones. The result of this would be more extinction which would obviously not be good for the environment at all. Possible solutions are minimizing use of pesticides, slower driving, and reporting any abusive illegal behavior towards animals. Barriers to these are the fact that we need pesticides to kill insects to grow food to survive. Also, people aren't going to change their driving habits just to save an animal's life. Last, some people won't report all the illegal behaviors. In my opinion, species extinction is a big deal. Our whole life pretty much relies on the circle of life and if one species is removed, we're all in trouble.,29307,1888702_1863782,00.html 

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