Sunday, January 6, 2013

Healthier Foods

Healthier Foods:
Because of all the pesticides used on our vegetables when growing them, many diseases have been found linked to these. But they’re supposed to be healthy and natural? Wrong. They may be health foods, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually healthy.  Also, mercury has been found in fish that we eat. If you consume too much mercury, you could die. Fish is supposed to be heart healthy but obviously its not if it can kill you like this. Antibiotics have been detected in our livestock. So you want a cheeseburger? Good luck finding on that doesn’t have chemicals in it that could put you in the hospital. Some solutions to these problems would be to do things the old fashioned way. So we don’t get as much money from them or they aren’t as big as they are when they are chemically enhanced.. Wouldn’t you rather know what you’re eating than not know if you’ll end up extremely sick or even dead? The barriers to this are that people these days want things bigger, faster and better than ever before. But why would they want to put their health and others at risk just for that? In my opinion, it’s dumb. We should have actual healthy foods instead of people claiming they’re healthy and enhancing them with unnatural chemicals.

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