Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No for the good of animals

         The environment minister in Canada said no to a gas project after looking at the proposal. The project would have threaten habitats for 19 different endangered species. This shows how serious Canada’s government is about their Environmental issues. But some people think it was the wrong choice to make.
            The Minister could agree to only use have of the land proposed and take the animals affected to a shelter or another place similar to their habitat. That would make the Gas company happy and the groups to because the animals will be sent to a safe place. And for future proposals the minister shouldn’t make them wait for the right time to say things. Or only make things right when everything is going wrong. Plus there should be a time ruling on how long the proposals can be thought over.
            The gas company could find another way to get their way. And the minster could keep on delaying all of the proposals that have been proposed. Six years is to much for this kind of thing.
            I think that the ruling is the best thing. Canada has been questioned about their environmental standards, so this is a good way to show they really do care. But they need to make the decisions a bit sooner not six years.


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