Tuesday, January 8, 2013

EPA takes action in Florida

            Water pollution in North Florida has been rising, and environmental groups want change. The EPA won over the Federal version, after a long court case. The EPA says the changes to the new rules will decrease pollution. What the environmental groups want is for the EPA to follow their own regulations and adopt more stringent standards.
            The EPA came to happy terms with the Environmental groups. The EPA will adopt better ways of decreasing pollution and keeping away from their part of the waterways.
            A barrier to the solution would be the state approach to the problem. Occurring to the groups the states approach is weak. They feel like they won’t anything with their weak approach and the pollution will be worse on their part of the waterways.
            I feel like it’s a good thing that the EPA is taking action and enforcing their standards and getting rid of pollution. It’s time someone put their foot down.


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