Sunday, January 6, 2013

Overfishing- The Consequences

For every pound of sea food that goes into the market, more than 10 or even 100 pounds may be thrown away as by catch. Ninety percent of large predatory fish such as tuna, swordfish, sharks are now are now gone. Ninety percent of large whales and sixty percent of small whales are now also gone from estuaries and coastal waters.  Thirteen million sharks are killed every year and sold for their teeth, fins, and skin.  One hundred thousand Albatross are killed each year and most are caught in fishing nets.  Studies from many universities state that by 2048 the ocean will be extinct of all the species that we fish today.  We don’t have much time at all and need to change this.  So aside from us that enjoy the occasional seafood, why should we care about the mass extinction? We are destroying a food chain system that has taken millennium to come together through evolution.  There will be no more big fish to eat the medium fish and nor more medium fish to eat the many small fish.  This will cause there to only be bacteria and really small organisms.  The result is slime, dead zones, and red tides, rotted creatures and dissolved oxygen.  Nothing can live in these conditions.  So it’s like we are getting rid of the system that took forever to develop.  We would be replacing them with the most basic ones.  I think this is a horrible thing that is happening to the world today.  It is one of the worst solutions anyone could have thought would happen.  There are many possible solution and the many nations that contain fishing as an industry need to come together immediately and solve this devastating problem.  They need to set low limits and reduce the number of the species fished per month.  Laws should be put in place and set for every type of mass caught fish.  Large fines on dolphin, turtle, shark, and whale harming need to be enforced to stop their populations from lowering and the possibility of them going extinct to stop.  I personally think each of the things I just discussed needs to be looked into further.  As you can see the facts in this article are horrible and I be living in a world where things like things are happening like this every day is just shameful.  We need took improve and look at not what’s being done, but what can be done to save our oceans.

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