Sunday, January 6, 2013

Endangered Ibis Bird shot by Poachers

The University of Vienna in Austria has been works with the endangered Northern Bald Ibis birds trying to reintroduce them to the wilds of Europe. For over 400 years the Northern Bald Ibis has been extinct from Europe but continues to live on in North Africa and the Middle East. Students and Professors at Vienna worked together to raise new Ibis birds and teach them the migration patterns of European birds. Goja, one of the birds was one of the most successful, was able to learn these patterns and able to raise young at the new breeding ground. Recently poachers shot down Goja and her young over Tuscany, Italy. The death of Goja had a major impact on the revival of the Ibis in Europe, but hope still remains. Other Ibis are starting to relearn the migration pattern and the program continues to grow. I believe Italy and other European countries need to crack down on poachers so as to give the Ibis revival program more time to grow. If poachers are captured, punishments should be more severe as to discourage more poachers.  Trackers on the birds could also help to locate the poachers if the bird is killed. 

1 comment:

  1. The tracking devices on the birds would be a good idea. It would make the bird alot easier to find and that would make it easier to crack down on the poachers. I also think that if they raised fines or prison terms for poaching it might scare the poachers out of doing it.
