Sunday, January 6, 2013

FDA approves genetically modified Salmon for Consumption

After much debate the FDA has approved genetically modified salmon for human consumption. Salmon is now the first genetically modified animal product approved for human consumption.  The growth hormone gene that is implanted in the Salmon makes growth twice as fast as in normal salmon. Controversy for the approving has been problems to human health or chances of salmon escaping. If the gene modified salmon escape what could this do to the ecosystem? The FDA and companies who modify and harvest the salmon assure the public that it is safe and salmon are kept in secure tanks. Critics to the approving state that the FDA waited to approve the act, and this brings up suspicions. I believe that in order for the FDA to approve genetically modified salmon all possibilities of human or environmental dangers must be taken in, and so I trust the decision, but what of the future impacts? Could the growth gene increase biomagnification of mercury, or maybe the growth gene effect humans? The risks of genetically modified animals may come back to haunt us in the future. 


  1. It seems like if they escaped into areas with normal salmon that it might harm the ecosystem, or it might just reproduce bigger salmon. Either way i think it might be to soon to tell ow this will play out.
