Sunday, January 6, 2013

Water RISK Problem; US

The problem is that we are exceeding the water limits.  We have had the approach of when water is low we just go out and look for more.  This isn’t going to last and work forever.  Rivers, wells, and dams provide us with the most.  WE have created a situation where we have been over tapping rivers and the ground water and there are many signs showing us we aren’t living in a sustainable way with water.  Our rivers are all being over tapped and when there’s a drought this problem gets even bigger.  We need to create harmony with the other animals and share the water provided in the country. We have more freshwater species than any other country in the world and two thirds are at risk because of how we manage our water and river systems.  We need to learn how to not only share water with each other but also with the natural world.   We need to manage demand instead of supply.  Using it wisely and sharing it are the key factors.  We have the tools and the technology to do that but we just have to find another way of operating and thinking.


  1. I agree, we can not keep taking for granted that we have water from these rivers, wells, and dams. We definitely put ourselves in this situation and we are the only ones who can get it under control. We would have to possibly find a reasonable way to limit our use of fresh water.

  2. I also agree. Our society is very selfish with how much water we use. My neighbor feels the need to water his grass every single day so that his lawn is a perfect green, but I wonder how that nice green lawn will help him once all of the fresh water has been tapped and used, and there is none left. I also think that it is extremely important to protect our marine life. We have extremely diverse aquatic ecosystems in our rivers and streams, and just because the animals can't talk, doesn't mean that they are not being affected by the selfish ways of our society.
