Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nearly 50 wells contaminated near clover

Even though there hasn’t been any mining in henrys knob for more than 40 years, EPA says that the mining operation didn’t clean up their mess. Now it’s reported that any homes within a half mile from the mine may now have their water contaminated with manganese and cobalt, which are said to be cancer causing.. They left tools and other equipment down there and it’s now seeping in the water supply. The town of clover suggested running water lines down to henrys knob, but that would cause the residents 50 dollars a month, and when you’re used to free well water your whole life it seems unfair. A lot of residents would rather take the risk than pay for something they think should be for free, and many of them think it’s just a scare. EPA had a meeting at Bethany Elementary School already and will try cleaning it up. My opinion is that either EPA will clean it up or the residents will drink the contaminated water anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an important issue that should be more talked about especially since it is related to the community we live in. I think if the water wells the community had result contaminated the mining company should be the one who should be taking care of the families who will result in drinking the contaminated water. they have no reason to be paying for something that they could have obtained freely.
