Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rules and Bans for Gas Drilling

After years of negotiating a lease for drilling in upstate New York John Holko finds himself under attack by environmental officials who threatened to put 20 percent of the land of limits. John Holko says that it could put him out of business. So he decided to sue the State Department of Environmental Conservation claiming he deserves 50 million in damages for losing business last summer in a town that passed a ban on all drilling. In my opinion no compensation should be given to companies who have to cut back on doing something that harms the environment in such a negative way and if a town does not want drilling then there should be no drilling..

1 comment:

  1. The officials don't have any reason to put the land off limits beside for their own benifit of making money. They just want to break the scheme and gain from him. John is only trying his best and gaining what he can. All it takes is the three officials to make him lose his business and become broke. I think John deserves the 50 million and I agree with Ryan that no compension should be given to companies who cut back. He is hurting the enviroment though so I think he should pay some sort of fine or percentage for that.
