Monday, January 7, 2013

Thousands of Natural Gas Leaks Discovered in Boston

The City of Boston is riddled with more than 3,000 leaks from its aging natural-gas pipeline system, according to a new study by researchers at Boston (BU) and Duke Universities. Disastrous fires that have occurred all over the New England area after Hurricane Sandy are becoming a serious problem with residents in eastern Massachusetts. A solution to this problem would be the increase in volunteer fire-fighting and fire damage awareness in New England communities so that families can know what to due in the case of a fire in their home. My opinion on this issue is that since the problem is rooted in Boston's old gas pipeline system, obviously tearing up the system itself would be both laborious and time-consuming, so the best thing to do would be to prepare families all over the Boston area for fires that could very well happen in their own homes.

1 comment:

  1. I can see where uprooting the entire system would be time consuming, but if it is so aged that there is such an immense number of leaks shouldn't that be the way to go? When it comes to the safety of the residents I believe that they should be informed and prepared for these fires, but they should also have a pipeline that is safe and does not put them in danger. Personally I feel that it is the city's duty to properly protect its citizens, not keep them on the path to destruction.
