Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hey this is crazy, but there might be an Ice Age in Alaska, Maybe?

            Studies done my the Alaska Climate Research Center state that the climate is getting colder in Alaska since the start of the 21 century, opposite of the climate of other place were signs of global warming. What is it about Alaska that is the only place that is getting striking temperature drops.
            People should prepare for the Ice Age. Scientist have conformed that the residents that experienced a significant temperature drop. They should get enhanced heaters, and stock up on food and surviving items.  
            The heaters and other supplies may rise in price since they experienced the weather change. That can cause a lot of people that are not economically stable not to be equipped for the Ice Age.
            I feel like there should be organizations that give people in need the right equipment they need to survive this ice age, and not get sick.



  1. this is very bad, the people up there need to get supplies while they still can and maybe even transported somewhere else if it gets to bad. but for the least of it its not melting up there like everyone else thinks it is.
