Sunday, January 6, 2013

Finless Porpoises Extinct?!

In a recent study done by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Hydrobiology shows that the population of the Finless Porpoise is on the decline. Located on the Yangtze River in China these freshwater mammals are on the brink of extinction from fishermen,pollution from nearby villages, and human interactions.Scientists speculate that the decline of these top consumers is a direct result of a “terrible state of the river ecosystem”. The Yangtze River is regarded to by many Chinese as their “Mother River” being that it supports 405 of the human population in China. 20 billion tons of waste is emptied into the river annually(Not to include agricultural or ship pollution). Conservationists have gotten together to appeal to China’s State Council on improved waste discharge and steps towards protecting the porpoises. I believe that if nothing is done soon these mammals will surely go extinct and an even worse river condition will be present. A government cleanup should be done to the river since it supports such a large chunk of the population.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! To think that a country would allow so much waste to be dumped into a river that supports such a large part of the population shows the selfishness of the government. Instead of worrying about the health of their citizens and the vitality of their aquatic ecosystems, the government leaders are focused on the economical advantages of the river. I think you are totally right in suggesting an entire river clean up. I don't think it needs to be contemplated, I would deem it necessary.
