Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Philippines Coral Reef Destruction

The Philippines are truly a place of beauty.  From the vast rain forest to the beaches and coral reefs; almost everywhere in this country is a sight worth seeing.  A recent environmental survey finds that much of the beauty is only skin deep.  The university of the Philippines Marine Institute finds that only five percent of the countries coral reefs remain intact.  More than a million dollars’ worth of dead coral and turtles has been found to be sold in just the last month.  An estimate of 7,000 reefs had been damaged just to get these goods that were just about to be smuggled out of the country.  The government has now cracked down and the senate is starting an intense investigation.  Conservation and development programs have been started to protect the remaining reefs and seeking improvement is now in plain view.  The country has limited resources for cracking down on poachers and people who are hurting the reefs.  Mining has caused the ocean to be polluted and has damaged the reef in many ways.  I think the US should lend the Philippines money it can use to purchase more resources to stop the damaging of the reefs.  The Philippians’ needs to stop people from polluting the water with the mining waste as well. Plans and conservation methods should be set up in efficient ways.  Laws and regulations need to be put in place immediately so that the reefs can grow again without the worry of harm.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's crazy to think that only five percent of the reefs are currently intact. It's sad to live in a world where people choose money over nature. Everything that these people are stealing from the reefs, even the coral itself, is alive. These poachers have no value for animal life. I think that these remaining reefs need to be protected, and that those found hunting the reefs, or smuggling/selling items obtained from the reefs should be severely punished.
