Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hazardous waste

Waste is another word for garbage or trash and when it is in a sentence with hazardous it can only mean a very bad thing. Hazardous waste is a huge trouble maker some examples of it are pickle liquor from iron and steel manufacturing and certain electroplating sludges. There is tons of hazardous waste around today due to the way companies do things. They don't do things the correct way sometimes because they want to get things do quickly and that's only causing problems. Something needs to be done. Laws need to be made to correct these mistakes before they cause an even bigger problem. I think Politicians need to get involved as soon as possible and they shouldn't let this continue any longer.


  1. I agree with you. Hazardous waste is a big problem, which can affect the world for generations to come. Politicians should spend more time, and concentrate on this severe problem.

  2. I also agree! I find it disgusting that our government can allow these hazardous materials into our environment. Many companies either do not know how to properly dispose of this waste, or they are too lazy to take the time to do it correctly. These people are IGNORANT. They have no idea what long-term effects their actions can cause. I feel that we need to implement stricter laws, and find a highly efficient way of enforcing them.
