Sunday, January 6, 2013

Climate Change May Increase Volcanic Eruptions

There has been a study made that declares that the rapid rise in sea levels can cause massive increase in volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes have a huge effect on the worlds climate and everyone knows that volcanoes can cause a great amount of damage to an area. Just think of Mount St. Helen, it devasted that whole area and left nothing. Over a million years of this volcanic change was in effect, so the big question is what can we do to solve this problem? Scientist need to look into this more so we can find sollutions so we avoid this natural disaster.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is a very appealing and somewhat "game-changing" piece of evidence in humanity's struggle to find a solution to the current rises in temperature all over the world. I have a question regarding the information posted, however. Because rising temperatures and rising sea levels go hand in hand, and volcanoes have been around much longer than greenhouse gases such as carbon, who is to say that what we are experiencing now has always been a natural process or that our panic in the the global warming epidemic is unfounded?
