Sunday, January 6, 2013

Climate Change and Global Warming

The Earth's temperature is beginning to rise at an alarming rate. The cause? Humans. The problems with this issue are that ecosystems can't adapt anymore. Without ecosystems adapting, the whole world is thrown off. Plants don't grow as expected, animals don't get nourished as needed and humans don't have the essentials to survive. It's all one big chain effect. Some solutions to this are decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, build more energy- efficient buildings, be more efficient, and possibly move closer to work so you don't admit as much fuel. Barriers to these solutions are that not everyone will be on board for changing their way of life. Also, more energy- efficient buildings will probably end up being more expensive. Because not everyone likes living in cities, some people may not move closer to work because of the environment difference from country to city. In my opinion, we don;t have to drastically change our ways, just slowly start being more conscientious of what we do on a daily basis that effects our world.

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