Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who Are We? Green Groups! What Do We Want? A Stop To Offshore Drilling!

         Green Groups in Israel, including the Society for Protection of Nature in Israel, the Israel Nature and National Parks Service and many more have filed a many petitions to put a stop to the offshore exploration project off the coast of Herzliya. The reason being that this exploration project is disrupting a maritime reservation.
            The project entitled “Gabriella,” is like many other projects drilling off the coast of Israel, the only diffence is that the aim for the drilling is a maritime reservation. The Company in charge of the project has yet to explore other alternatives. That is the first thing they should do then if there is no other option then the company should leave what is rightfully a declared maritime reservation alone.
            But as we all know there is some companies out there that like to destroy things of value to others, just to make profit so the company could just keep with the project and make the jurisdiction go their way. Like most of the big shot companies have done in their questionable past.
            I say stop the drilling. Why would the company go after a place that was declared a maritime reservation? I’m pretty sure that there was more places to drill, the ocean has many shores and it is a very big place. They should just pick a spot on the map and go there.


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