Sunday, January 6, 2013

Climate Justice and Equity

Climate Justice & Equity:
Considering we have terrible global warming going on, there have been many discussions that the change that occurs will essentially ignore a key component of the solution: responsibility. Obviously, industrialized nations emit more greenhouse gases than undeveloped nations. This means that the richer nation will have to face more responsibility for their actions. Some solutions to this problem would be to cut back on emissions or encourage people to have more eco-friendly cars and such. Some barriers to these solutions are that people aren’t going to give up their way of life. They are so used to certain luxuries that they just can’t give them up and definitely will not be willing to. My opinion of this problem is people do need to step back and take a good look at what harm they are causing to our environment. It may seem okay now but in the long run, we are slowly killing our future.

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