Monday, January 7, 2013

Obese Moms Risk Having Babies With Low Vitamin D, Study Finds

A study has shown that if you are obese at the beginning of your pregnancy then you may be passing on insufficient levels of vitamin D to your baby. This research was found at Northwestern Medicine.
The study found that babies born to lean mothers had a third higher amount of vitamin D compared to babies born to obese moms.Vitamin D is fat-soluble, and previous studies have found that people who are obese tend to have lower levels of the vitamin in their blood. In this study, both obese and lean mothers had very similar levels of vitamin D at the end of their pregnancies, yet obese women transferred less vitamin D to their offspring compared to lean women. This is an issue because obesity is already a problem in America. If this continues to happen then the cycle will also continue. The babies will not be born to their healthiest potential and will lack vitamin D. They will also most likely become obese as well. It is definitely something to be concerned about for the sake of America being a healthy country.

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