Sunday, January 13, 2013

Beijing air pollution soars to hazard level

                Last Saturday and Sunday the residents of Beijing have refused to step outdoors in fear of the air pollution. The air pollution recorded was 30-45 times the safety level. The average concentrations of the tiniest pollution particles, called PM2.5, should be no more than 25 micrograms per cubic meters, at 300, children and elderly should stay indoors. Official Beijing city reading recorded pollution levels of over 400, unofficial recordings from the U.S embassy recorded 800. Two of the major pollutants are the coal dust and car fumes. Heavy smog has smothered Beijing for many days said one of the news reporters.

1 comment:

  1. It is very scary that industrial business can cause these kinds of things to happen that can hinder our everyday lives. People are staying indoors to try to stay safe and keep their lungs in a healthy condition. With the levels of air pollution being so high it should create a question to environmentalist and economist as to whether or not we can find any other ways to create power for transportation and energy. I think that it is important that we consider different options before we begin to have hazardous conditions (such as the conditions in Beijing) all over the world.
