Monday, January 7, 2013

Amazon Deforestation Brings Loss of Microbial Communities

An international team of microbiologists have discovered that populations of vital microbes needed for a functioning ecosystem are decreasing in pasteurized rain forests, making it hard for these areas to deal with any outside stress such as weather and natural disasters. The only solution to a problem like this is the reforestation of pasteurized rain forests to hopefully level out microbial communities. The problem, however, is the possibility of the regeneration of microbes needed for the natural processes of these areas. My opinion on this matter is that private industry that imbalances the processes of nature must be dealt with severe punishment to ensure that the lives of living communities, no matter how small, are not threatened.

1 comment:

  1. I agree one hundred percent. I think that companies who privatize and tear down rain forests are completely ignorant. What these companies do not realize is that every organism on this planet, even the microorganisms, have a specific niche, and are necessary for this planet to keep thriving. Any change in one ecosystem, no matter how small, can have long-term effects which may end up being extremely severe. I think that it should be illegal to wipe out any community of organisms, even the tiniest ones.
