Monday, January 7, 2013

As Climate Warms, Bark Beetles March On High-Elevation Forests

In the Whitebark Pine Forests of the Western United States and Canada, Whitebark Pine Tress grow in the very tallest, and coldest area that will support plant life.  Unfortunately, because of the rising temperatures, tree-killing beetles have climbed to these heights, and are feeding on these trees that have not needed to, nor had a chance to build up their defense systems.  A study done in Yellowstone National Park showed that the beetles there still preferred their original Lodgepole Pine Trees.  The Whitebark Pine Trees must be protected because they serve many important purposes, such as a food source for bears, a snow fence, and extending the flow of mountain streams into the valleys.  I think that the beetles should be moved out of the area where these trees grow, and should be released somewhere where they can still thrive, but not damage those trees.

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