Monday, January 7, 2013

Plastic bags: are they worth the trouble?


Governments and local authorities around the world have already banned or taxed free issue carrier bags, and there is pressure for legislation in England. They argue that cities must spend vast sums to clean up the bags and the damage caused by them, money that's better spent elsewhere. Not to mention that plastic bags are a nuisance on the environment, polluting waterways and other natural areas and killing off animals. Banning plastic bags, the activists say, will redirect funds to infrastructure and spur entrepreneurial efforts to come up with alternatives to plastic.Barely recyclable, almost all of the 400 plastic bags used per second in the state are discarded. Once discarded, they either enter our landfills or our marine ecosystem. Along with costing our states 25 million dollars a year to manage plastic bag waste,  at least 267 species have been scientifically documented to be adversely affected by plastic marine debris.Some people feel that a A proposed tax or ban  would discriminate unjustly against plastics and would represent an anti-competitive move and a serious restraint on trade, damaging jobs and an industry already battling against over-regulation and under-investment. But people may view it that way but even though plastic bags isn't the biggest environmental issue it still causes the death of animals, pollution, and it just takes up space. i feel maybe a worldwide ban isn't necessary but something needs to be done to reduce the number of plastic bag litter.


  1. They should definitely tax plastic bags! They're awful! The only reason they're used is because they're cheap. Use reusable bags!

  2. We sgould just get rid of them as a whole. they are just the same as paper bags and the new fashionable totes people use now and days. whats the point of having them anymore.
