Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stopping Deforestation for Good

Each and every day, as minutes go by, deforestation is occurring and many of our rain forest are being completely destroyed.  In most South American countries people are clear cutting all of the trees and plants in certain areas to make room for planting crops of various sorts.  The rain forest soil is very rich in minerals and farmers use it only for that reason. After the season is over the planters move and clear cut a new location destroying everything in their path.  Thanks to governments not taking action we are losing this battle in saving the species and plants that live and thrive in some of the most amazing places in the world.  We are currently losing 6,000 acres on average per hour.  50,000 species of insects, mammals, plants, reptiles, and amphibians are lost every year.  The trees that help control the carbon dioxide on this plant are being torn and cut down in huge amounts.  This is a major concern for our well being.  We need to stop deforestation and put an end to losing more than we gain.  It’s time where we need to do everything in our power from planting trees and using fewer resources to stop the destruction.  We need to help the other countries containing rain forest by connecting them with new economic resources and ideas so that the harm can come to an end.  Reconstructing the damage will help the reformation of the forest that once existed.  Slashing and burning of these amazing habitats needs to come to a dead stop.  I believe with the true amount of effort that this can happen.  It will take time, money, energy, and a lot of effort but the stopping of deforestation will be a thing of the past and saving rain forest will become an expansion of the future.

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