Monday, January 7, 2013

Jellyfish Experts Show Increased Blooms Are a Consequence of Periodic Global Fluctuations

A new collaborative study shows that rising sea temperatures could be linked to increasing populations in blooms of jellyfish. The problem with increased numbers of jellyfish is clogged nets for fishermen, stinging waters for tourists, even choked cooling pipes for power plants. A solution to this problem would be to actively monitor the ocean's temperatures and reduce waterborne contamination that could influence the populations of jellyfish. My opinion on this matter is that while jellyfish do not necessarily pose any ecological harm, they have a negative impact with how humans use oceanic resources and should be rid of in a sensible manner.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty weird that with only in a rise in temperature it results in that high of a population increase. With the increase of Jelly Fish's population their probably is over crowing and "food chain" confusion. Obviously they have no real affect environmentally, but they do pose an “annoyance” to how humans use the ocean, and ocean resources. If more poisonous or harmful jelly fish start in inhabit beaches humans use, that's when i believe it will pose a major problem.
