Sunday, January 6, 2013

Protecting the Whales

Protecting the Whales:
Whales and other underwater animals rely on their hearing for daily life. That is how they find food, avoid predators, and eventually find mates. What we don’t know is that when a submarine or something else uses sonar waves, they actually damage the marine animal’s ears. It can even cause them to die.  People use sonar to light up their pathway when on the ocean floor but don’t seem to care that it hurts them. The sound put out by a sonar machine is thousands of times more powerful than a jet engine. Just imagine hearing that and how bad it would hurt. Some solutions to this would be to find other options for lighting pathways while under water. The only barriers to this are that people are already user to sonar and it will cost a good bit of money to discover something new. In my opinion, we really should do research to find a more natural and not harmful replacement.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting topic. It's crazy to think that animals have to rely on their hearing and things that humans are doing harm that. Is anyone aware of this? We definitely need to be more concerned and find a solution to this problem. I agree that it will cost a big amount to search for something other than sonar. I can't think of a reasonable solution.
