Monday, January 7, 2013

Rising Sea Levels

Due to our melting glaciers, experts are predicting a rise in sea levels of 3 feet by the end of this century. Sure, it doesn't seem like a lot to us, but in reality it's a big deal. In lower-lying countries large ares will be flooded, and millions of people will be without homes. Rising waters will also affect global economies, costing major cities billions of dollars to reconstruct their harbors and break walls. Not to mention our seaside resorts will be destroyed. And any home along the coastline will be washed away. The only thing we can do now is try to reduce climate change as much as possible and hope the world's natural occurrences don't affect it to heavily. There is still a lot of debate on how melting glaciers will affect the sea levels though, and we simply don't know enough about it yet.

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