Thursday, January 3, 2013

Billions of people face food shortages due to global warming

Half the world faces food shortages due to shorter growing seasons. Obviously this Is bad because we need food to live. It’s also expected that the human population will double, so food demand will double, but it can’t double if global warming makes it grow less.  We need to either start growing more food, or stop leaving such a large carbon footprint. But no one’s actually willing to change the way they live, so it’s blocking us from doing that. I think if we just tried to recycle or reduce our ecological footprints by a fraction then it would help.

1 comment:

  1. 100 words on the dot, nice one Caleb. lol. But your story is very interesting. I have no idea global warming actually has impacted our food. I think it will be very hard for this world to manage with over 20 million people. India and China will become flooded with people and hunger might be the worlds biggest issue. This will cause many animals and species to be a source of food while others become extinct. It sad to think of. That is why we need to stop global warming and find solutions to world hunger.
