Thursday, January 3, 2013

Could Climate Change Boost Toxic Algal Blooms in the Oceans?

In 1799, these men ate mussels that had this toxic algae in them and then died two hours later. They say that climate change can cause the blooms of this toxic algae and they grow naturally from the land runoff of agricultural fertilizers. The fact that so much of that runoff occurs will cause more and more growth of the toxic algae, along with the help of the climate changing. Possible solutions to this would be trying to end global warming and all the greenhouse gases because that’s what causing the ocean to be more acidic. I mean it’s nearly impossible to straight end it, but trying to help it, will help the toxic algae from growing. I wouldn’t want to eat the fish from the ocean if there’s a possibility they could have eaten the toxic algae and I eat the fish and die. This is something that should really try to be controlled.

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