Thursday, January 3, 2013

Climate Change May Increase Volcanic Eruptions

The rise of the sea levels is causing many volcanos to erupt. The warming climate is cause the glaciers to melt and in return making the sea level rise. The higher the sea level, the increased volcanic eruptions there will be. The only way to fix this is to help slow down the heating of the climate. This is a serious issue because we can’t be having all these volcanoes just erupting everywhere. Talk about the end of the world, that’s what’s going to happen. They’re going to damage cities, farms, and towns or let alone kill lots of people. This could either be something controllable or something really bad.


  1. I realized that the rising sea levels were a concern, but I did not realize that it would cause all of this. This is a very big concern. Many people could potentially be hurt by this. The rising sea levels need to be dealt with fast and efficiently.

  2. We all need to get involved with our ecosystem so we can try to find a way to stop the volcanic eruptions because that will make our ecosystem bad.
