Saturday, January 5, 2013

From Ice Cream to Electricity

A new technology in Cleveland, Ohio can turn ice cream into electricity. This machine can change waste to energy, and change the American industry. It works by using the same bacteria that is inside animal intestines to turn food waste into methane. “The gas then runs a large, clean-burning biogas engine that spins a generator, pumping power into the grid.” This “anaerobic digester” has the ability to generate 1.3 million watts.

One of the many fuels that are transformed into electricity is ice cream, left overs scraped from Pierre’s Ice Cream Co.’s plant. Some North East Ohio companies see the “business potential of turning organic waste, including the byproducts of food production, beverage bottling and brewing, into a commodity that can produce power, heat and fertilizer for farmers' fields.””if its organic, we can process it.” Says Mel Kurtz “And we can process it for less than the traditional means”


  1. That’s a really cool thing they discovered they can do with the ice cream. But if we use ice cream we will have to create more ice cream and what if we run out of ice cream? I like ice cream. I hope we won’t run out of it. It seems like ice cream is the best way to go in creating electricity.

  2. Who knew you could create energy out of something so deli!!! I would really like to learn how, can the way energy be produced be lactose and tolerate?.... Kidding. But how much energy does it produce and if it is something we can count on for the long run. Another question that comes up is does the flavor of it matter does the vanilla produce more energy than the strawberry, or if water based ice cream or milk based ice cream produce the most amount. Also if the solubility of the ice cream matter. So if it does, does custard work better than ice cream?

  3. I wish I had this in my house. I eat alot of icecream and so does my family. We make it homemade and I am sure it would cost less to light our home using it. I think it is amazing how the people discovered this as well as how much energy it actually exerts. This is truly a very new and great innovation for man kind. It might be the future of icecream everywhere. I agree with Aly and find this very cool. If we run out of ice cream this could become a bad solution though. I think we should try doing this in school such as in a lab form. It could inspire ideas and fasinate people just like it did to me.
