Saturday, January 5, 2013

New law in Concord Mass. bans Plastic bottles

At the start of the New Year the town of Concord, Massachusetts placed a ban on single serving water bottles. The new law only applies to water bottles not soda or other flavored drinks. The goal of this new law is to encourage tap water use and cut down on the growing plastic pollution. Local Jean Hill fought to have this law put into place arguing that tap water is just as good if not better than buying individual water bottles.  Violating of these new laws are fairly minor ranging from a warning to a $25 or $50 fine. Even though the consequences may be small, it will discourage many in Concord from selling or buying more plastic bottles. I believe this law is a step in the right direction. Even though many plastic bottles are recyclable, using tap water and using reusable water bottles is a better alternative. Hopefully many other towns will follow in Concord’s footsteps and help to cut down on the plastic pollution.  


  1. That makes no sense. Why would they sell single serving sodas and other flavored drinks but not water? Especially since water is more demanding. However, it is a great idea to help reduse plastic pollution but I'm not quite sure if I agree that this is the best way to go about it.

  2. Overall, I don’t think plastic bottles should be banned but maybe there should be less plastic used. I don’t know why they banned it because it can be recyclable and some water bottles are from recycled water bottles. I agree though that they are trying to reduce plastic pollution by banning plastic bottles. But banning is a little extreme.

  3. I can see why they would ban it, even though they are recyclable alot of people are to lazy to do so, but it's pointless if they are going to keep the soda bottles which use more plastic than most water bottling companies use.
