Friday, January 4, 2013

How Green Was My Lawn

As modern environmentalists like to remind us, the issue is a global one: climate change, pollution and nuclear radiation know no boundaries, and Public Enemy No. 1 is often the car-centric suburban lifestyle. But anyone trying to bring new energy to the movement could learn a lesson from how activists of the 1950s and ’60s picked up on, and played off of, concerns about pollution and preservation that pervaded suburban lives and neighborhoods.
Carson’s book had deep roots in the angst and activism that stirred in the postwar Northeast suburbs, in particular a 1957 lawsuit by 13 Long Island residents over DDT spraying. In 1966, academics and a lawyer sat down in a Long Island living room with a high school teacher, students and housewives to plan the trial that would give birth to the Environmental Defense Fund. A large number of people in todays society pay someone else to take care of there lawn, because they want to have a nice looking lawn and a healthy lawn. But most the processes that landscapers get a lawn to the lush green look that people want they have to use chemicals and this started people thinking about the runoff from these chemicals. People worry about there water supply and the water that there children play in. Even though people worry about the things people still want that lush green lawn so most o the time the over look the environmental issues of it.


  1. We shouldn’t just care how our lawn looks. We should care how all our lawns look. They all need to be taken care of and be healthy. There are bigger and other environment issues that are more important than a green lawn.

  2. I really agree with Josh. We have way too many things hurting our enviroment from our car emmissions, to burning coal, waste, garbage, CO2, and much more. We need to just take care of our own lawns. I don't care if you don't have time or suck at it. At least try mowing and trimming the bushes. Most of our parents have tended their lawns and now that labor is cheap they hire people to do it for them. Our country is overweight and I say that people should keep their lawn in the best shape possible. By working they could lose weight and gain stamina. It would also teach responsibility and work ethic. People would appriciate what others do for them and kids would learn what real work is instead of sitting inside and playing black ops. Being active is really something everyone should do.
